
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Back in 1953, when I lived in California and taught a ‘release time” class in high school, I was very unsettled in my own mind just exactly what I believed in, how much faith I had in prayer, in Christ and God. I felt I shouldn’t be teaching these high school boys and girls about things I wasn’t certain of myself. I became anxious about these questions and tried to pray for guidance. My husband offered his help as best he could, but I needed definite answers. Could I tell these youngsters to pray about their problems—that God would surely help them find an answer? My anxiety continued for several days. Finally, one morning while doing my housework, I felt a very warm, strong feeling of love around my chest and the word “reassurance” came to mind. I thought to myself, what is this that is happening to me? What should I do with this much Love? How do I get rid of it? It lasted only a few minutes, then gradually left me. I marveled at its apparent power and wholesomeness. I thought no evil could exist when surrounded with such a Presence. Now, years later I remember this experience and try to recapture this lovely moment of “reassurance.”

Myra Dickerson (reprinted from the 1972 Eastridge Devotional Book)

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