
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Wandering Heart: "Teach Me": Commentary

Read Matthew 18:15-22 | Psalm 119:9-16

Commentary | Dr. Terence Lester

One day, Pastor Wesley came to our office. He told us that a church in Madison, Georgia, wanted to donate a 30-passenger bus to Love Beyond Walls. His church had declined it, but he asked if we could use it. For some reason, I said yes. Within a few days, the church generously donated the bus to us.

Then, with the blessing of my family and our Board, I decided to live in a tent on top of the bus for 30 days during the freezing winter. I wanted to raise awareness about this bus and to transform it into Atlanta’s first mobile makeover unit. I wanted to highlight the fact that the people we serve lack basic amenities like running water and grooming services. I told myself, “This work is too important to let the flame die out.” Word spread, and many showed up to help us transform the bus.

We reached out to local barbering schools and met Jamil, who was 27 and had just earned his license. He volunteered at Love Beyond Walls almost every week. One day, I asked him why he volunteered. Jamil replied, “My dad is unhoused and I haven’t seen him since I graduated 10 years ago. I don’t know where he is, and I’m just hoping that one day I’ll run into him.”

Jamil ended up giving his father a makeover on the streets. His dad had no idea that his son had become a barber, but it became a turning point for him. He entered a program, graduated from it, found work as a chef, and now has his own apartment. Forgiveness happened through an act of faith on Jamil’s part. His father wasn’t there for 10 years, but Jamil’s desire to repair the relationship remained strong.

In Matthew 18:15-22, Jesus teaches about community and repair. Peter, eager to learn, asks him a follow-up question. Jesus gives an expansive answer, emphasizing the abundance of forgiveness. This story shows the importance of asking questions and expanding our faith, especially when we’re comfortable not having all the answers and we’re open to seeing the world in more nuanced ways.

Jesus’ response to Peter’s question about forgiveness highlights the ambiguous math of grace. Peter learns about abundant grace.

It’s about letting go of rigid limits and embracing the limitless possibilities of forgiveness and repair. Just as in Jamil’s story, where one act of faith led to forgiveness and transformation, Jesus’ teachings remind us of the power of forgiveness to make the community whole. 

Peter’s encounter with Jesus serves as a poignant reminder of the profound lessons embedded in forgiveness. Forgiveness is a boundless wellspring of grace. Repair is vital, both within ourselves and in our relationships with others. This story encourages us to embrace the transformative power of forgiveness and work toward reconciliation and healing. It inspires us to open ourselves to the expansive grace of God. By doing so, we can create a world where forgiveness mends what is broken, and where the beauty of repair shines through, illuminating our shared humanity.

Reflect: Who in your life needs forgiveness? Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for?

reprinted with permission from A Sanctified Art

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