
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wandering Heart: "Streams of Mercy" Maundy Thursday

Read John 13:1-20

From the Artist | Rev. Nicolette Peñaranda

Within the overall composition of this piece, we see the West African symbol,* Aban, which means fortress and demonstrates power and authority. Aban** is the central image of Golden Hour and it is duplicated around the perimeter of the piece like a mighty fortress. The gold-plated vessel at the top represents the water Jesus uses to wash the disciples’ feet. Around it are miniature Mpuannum,*** the five tufts of hair. The water drips directly down onto swollen feet, feet that bear no name. The section to the left of the vessel holds a tearful Peter. He refuses Jesus’ hospitality and then backtracks when he learns the value of merciful water.

Across from the image of Peter we see the Eucharist. When orienting this piece in a diamond formation, the cup looks overflowing. But when the canvas is sitting as a square, the wine is tipping out of the chalice, dripping in unison with the vessel onto the Aban. The Eucharist is also one of the ways we receive Christ’s mercy. Body and blood broken for us. The vessel of water is providing mercy. The swollen feet are receiving mercy. Peter is asking for mercy. The chalice has shed mercy.

There is a particular time of day we refer to as the “golden hour.” This is when photographers love to take photos as the sun sits at a particular point, either after sunrise or before sunset, when daylight is redder and softer than when the sun is higher in the sky. When I reflect on the entire Passion story, this might just be the golden hour for the disciples. Jesus and his crew are tucked away, having their Passover meal. They are cleansing themselves and carrying on not realizing this will be the last moment of peace they will have. Sharing a meal with the people you love is one of the most glorious moments anyone could have—before what will end as a night of torture and betrayal. While Peter is tearful in this image, the overall vibe of Golden Hour is soft, rich. It feels like it is captured in marble as if nothing can destroy it.

*Adinkra symbols originated from the Gyaman people of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Learn more about their meanings and significance here:

** View the symbol and learn more about it here:

*** View the symbol and learn more about it here:

reprinted with permission from A Sanctified Art

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