
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, August 2, 2021

A God Who Watches Over Us

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4

Vacation. With family. And extended family. And friends we only see once a year.  Our annual trek to the Northwoods with our boat has had its share of bad luck; a great uncle diagnosed with terminal cancer, a dog bite, a broken elbow, a broken foot, a great uncle diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gering’s disease), a terrible storm, a broken windshield, a damaged boat, a torn hamstring, another broken foot.  Even though we experience these misadventures we always go back for time with family and to disconnect from all the electronic interference in our lives. 

This year we had a rash of bad luck with tires. We had a low tire on the car on the way up, which developed into an unrepairable flat that had to be replaced in a different town 2 hours away. Some of the people that we were with felt bad that we had to experience these things.  But I felt lucky. Our car tire didn’t have to be replaced until after we arrived. We drove through several storms on the way up and we didn’t blow a tire or end up stranded on the side of the road. Even though we were inconvenienced we were safe and we made it to the lake. Waiting for AAA in a safe place with a book and nice cup of coffee beats being stranded among semi’s barreling down the road at 80 miles an hour every day of the week. 

On the way home we stopped for lunch and noticed that one of our boat trailer tires looked funny, on further examination we had lost at least 6 of the 10 layers of tread on the tire. We called AAA again. Even though we were frustrated (and, ok, annoyed) that it took them 3 times as long as they estimated to arrive, again, we were safe. We noticed the issue when we stopped at a safe place. We had access to air conditioning, bathrooms and an ice cream cone (if we needed one).  We weren’t stuck along the road, we didn’t blow a tire, our vehicle and boat were not damaged and we were not injured in anyway.

As we experienced these inconveniences I had to thank God for watching over and blessing us.  Even though this wasn’t ideal the other scenarios were so much worse.  We needed a break and we love where we go. These problems along the way didn’t destroy our vacation. Didn’t harm our family. Didn’t irreparably damage material possessions.  We were able to get what we needed, with a few unexpected delays along the way. 

Prayer: God who watches over and protects us, thank you for recognizing my hearts desires, thank you for protecting us on our journey. Amen   

Christi Moock

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