
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, August 9, 2021


Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Once I had a friend who could play Scrabble while she stitched.  She could also answer questions while doing the two of these things. I had another friend who insisted that I join her in water aerobics. In order to make sure I went, she was at my house each morning at 10 minutes of 8. I made a lot of friends and continue to go 21 years later. I also had a friend who would call and give me all the news of our other friends, never mentioning that her feet and legs were so swollen that she could hardly walk. She suffered from congestive heart failure.

Another friend lived to be 101. At 87, when she told me she was having her shoulder replaced, I questioned the wisdom of that surgery. She replied, if I don't have it replaced, I won't be able to work in my roses, and besides my mother lived to be 103. End of discussion.

I had a mother who "loved" the one she was near, but tried to be fair in her treatment of all of us. I have many friends who mourn the loss of a spouse or child but still manage to live full lives giving to many around them. 

All of these friends and family have one thing in common. They love the Lord with all their heart and certainly give of that love to all and each of their friends. Who are your friends? Are they near to you or far away? Do you speak or interact with them each day or only once in a while? Have you made a new friend? How and when did you do that?  Do you even want to?  Are you needed by someone or do you need someone?

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to think of others, to reach out to ones around us.  Remember there is no greater love than this!  Amen

Carolyn Olsen

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