
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sharing Your Thank Yous

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it – William Arthur Ward

I have spent the last two weeks working in Central City, Nebraska for a computer system go-live. It has been AMAZING to see all the work done in a small hospital with fewer than 20 beds, and fewer than 100 staff. In a stressful time, it has been a pleasure to watch people who love to work as a team, who care so much about their neighbors and their patients that they miss out on things in their personal lives. 

My gratitude to this team and to the care that they live every day for their patients warms my heart! Over the weekend (I was really here working all weekend) I wrote 40 thank you cards, and sent e-mails to different organizational leaders. Some were simple – thank you for being patient while we worked through your problem (because no one likes to be yelled at). Thank you for asking me if there is anything I needed (because a cold bottle of water 10 hours into a 13 hour shift is pretty amazing). Thank you for trying your best to use the system, asking for help when you needed it and having a positive attitude, because all those things help everyone on your team. 

I am so grateful to have worked in a place where so many good things are happening… even though it was hard to be away, and change is hard for everyone, and not everyone likes the new system, it was still so good to experience all of these things, and to have so many to be thankful for!

Prayer: Generous and loving God, help us to share our gratitude. In words, in notes, and in our actions. It is good for people to know that we appreciate them. 

Christi Moock

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