
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, September 12, 2016


Overcoming Negative Values

Scripture: Proverbs 4:14.  Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evildoers.
Proverbs 22:6.  Train children in the right way and when old they will not stray.

We all are living in a populated society where a variety of personal values are practiced and interchanged.  It seems that daily news items inform us of a newly revealed "scam" that has occurred.  Or, that some innocent person has been taken advantage of or harmed in some way.  There appears to be too many who want to harm or destroy others.  How can we overcome this type of destructive character that some others have?

As I was growing and maturing, I remember being advised by adults to be aware of the action of others my age and recognize that I would develop and be known by the standards similar to those with whom I associated and accompanied.  Our value system can be influenced through our relationships, in addition to the teachings we receive.  Therefore, parents, educational institutions, and Christianity have a huge task to prevent and overcome negative values and attitudes, and to develop positive action and beliefs instead.

The programs of our Eastridge Church are so important in our local task to do this.  Our worship and Christian Education programs will promote and teach the positive values and Christian attitudes needed in our society today. 

Jesus said, "Let your life so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."  The people around us need to see that the results of a Christian's life do make a difference between how the Christian lives and how others live!  May our lives at Eastridge Church reflect the Lord we love and about whom we have been taught.

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father:  We pray for Your guidance and direction so that our culture may reflect the standards of Your creation.  Help us to establish and share these Christian values that follow the teachings of Your Son that He brought to this earth.  Amen

Lauren Holcombe

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