
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Meditation on Romans 12:9-18

Let your love be genuine, Paul writes to the newly formed church at Rome. Or, as the Common English Bible puts it, "love should be shown without pretending." This letter to the church at Rome is different from his other letters - this community of faith is the only one he didn't establish, has never visited, indeed, as never even met. It's a diverse community of those who have been part of the covenant of God's people, Israel, and the gentile community that is being grafted into the body of Christ. This dual identity is one that Paul himself struggles with, having loved the Jewish understanding of the God of his youth; and the non- Jewish converts who are now taking part in this new community. Paul wrestles with how all this works out, and then turns to some very practical ways to live in this new community together.

THE love genuine, he writes. Translations have to add words in order for us to understand. THE love, meaning God's love, genuine. This is the cornerstone, the center of how God's people are to live in community with each other. It's a description, not a prescription. It's a statement of fact, not an order to follow. THE love is genuine. No pretending, folks.

It's not as poetic as Paul's tome of love in I Corinthians 13, but it's not far behind. THE love doesn't pretend. THE love is genuine.

What is this love, and what does it look like? Paul goes on to describe how this love changes - because it causes its receivers to turn from evil, to cling to what is good; brings us to love each other like we're family, to outdo each other in showing honor and respect, it's enthusiastic in its expression.

This love - THE love grounds its receivers so they can withstand adversity, pray in the toughest of times, welcome strangers - welcome those who are mean to you, share happiness with others, and cry with others. THE love leads its receivers to the conclusion that they're not better than anyone else and chooses to spend time with those who don't have status.

I would encourage us to be paying attention to THE love these days.  Listen for it.  Watch for it.  Pay attention to it.  Share it.  There's a lot going on in the world, and it can be hard to find THE love.  Take a few moments today, and think about someone you know or have known and how they have shared THE love with you.

Love - THE love - isn't shared with words, it doesn't need to be spoken. THE love doesn't talk very much. But it does say everything about who and whose you are. Amen.

Rev. Dr. Melodie Jones Pointon

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