
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, September 20, 2021

He's a Wonderful Lord

The doctor had just told me I had rheumatic fever and that I would be in the hospital for at least ten days for tests and observation. Recently I had phoned the superintendent of schools in Fremont, Nebraska, to inform him I would be unable to take my first teaching position. As I lay in my bed at Bryan Memorial Hospital that fall day it seemed the world had caved in on my young world of dreams and ambitions. I reached for my Bible on the bed stand. It had been my practice to take it with me when I was away from home. The verse I turned to I cannot recall, but as I prayed and read my Bible a strange and wonderful feeling came within my whole being. I felt an uplifting of my spirits that I cannot really explain. It was a happy feeling and I knew I was ready to make the best of my situation and God would be helping me.

This time in my life proved to be a most rewarding one. I learned much about patience, love, understanding, and appreciation of family and friends. I had more time for reading, thinking and handcraft work than I had ever had before. In the long winter months of bed rest and recovery I continued to receive strength and inspiration from reading my Bible.

Betty Thomson, reprinted from the Eastridge Lent devotional, 1973.

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