
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

This is My Father’s World

For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2: 11-12  

“This is My Father’s World” is one of my favorite hymns. The words so majestically lead from line to line, and the music is glorious in its praise to God. This hymn was written by Maltbie D. Babcock , a Presbyterian minister in New York (1858-1901). He was the son of minister-- athletic, intelligent , and was known for his stirring oratorical powers. He was a graduate of Syracuse University, and graduated with a degree in Theology from Auburn. He was the pastor at Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church in Baltimore from 1887 to 1901. While there, he led fundraising to assist the Jewish refugees from Russia who were victims of an anti-Jewish pogrom in the 1880’s.  At his funeral, the eulogist said “we do not need a candle to show a sunbeam.” He was known to tell his wife that he was “going out to see the Father’s World” as he started out on a stroll. 

Many of us continue to stay safely at home during this pandemic despite the opening up of places in our community. One of the safer activities we can participate in is “going out to see the Father’s World”. Consider going for a daily walk or enjoy the birds at your feeder. Take time to see the flowers, the trees, and the beauty of God’s creation. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the creator of the world and the universe. Thank you for reminding us that your love is all around us. Help us to appreciate the indescribable beauty of your world. Amen

Nancy Hall

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