
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Dance

Read LUKE 1:46B-55


Somehow, Mary is thankful. How is she doing that? How
can she genuinely appreciate her situation? Her perspective
amazes me.

Carrying a baby is difficult even in the best of circumstances.
The physical and psychological weight grows quickly. Society
changes its view of you, you change your view of yourself. Like
Advent, it is a time of waiting. It is also a time of anticipation,
dread, concern, excitement, pain, fear, and confusion.
Mary is carrying a child out of wedlock. Her fiancé is
considering leaving her. She has nothing but her word to
explain this circumstance to him, to her family, to her
community. All of the typical and difficult pregnancy feelings
must have been multiplied, yet Mary is thankful.

In this painting, I cast Mary’s hands in a ballerina’s dance. She
reaches up in prayer, in praise. She reaches up to glorify our
God. She reaches up in thanks for the most challenging thing
she has possibly ever had to deal with.

Should I be counting my challenges as well as my blessings?
Should I be glorifying God for the pain in life as well as the
joy? Perhaps, I should.

Prayer: Breathe deeply as you gaze upon the image below.
Imagine placing yourself in this scene. What do you see?
How do you feel? Get quiet and still, offering a silent or
spoken prayer to God.

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