
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Child Shall Lead Them

Read ISAIAH 11:1-10


The image of the stump of Jesse might have knocked the air out
of those first hearing these words. The stump represented the end
of the Davidic dynasty, the family line believed to carry Yahweh’s
goodness. The monarchy was either thwarted by the Babylonian
exile, or the Assyrian empire—historically, we’re not exactly sure.
Regardless, Isaiah names what no one wants to say out loud—
Jerusalem’s political future feels dead, cut off, stunted by despair.
The image of a stump might accurately represent how we feel about our
own future. Greenhouse gases and sea levels continue to rise. No place—
schools, sanctuaries, theaters, malls—is safe from mass shooting attacks.
Our government leaders fight like lions and wolves starving for dominance.
We also need Isaiah’s vision for a reordered world where creation
exists in harmony, not as a threat to itself.

When reading this poetry of peace, I found myself pausing at the
line, “and a child shall lead them” (Is. 11:6). The example of Naomi
Wadler came to mind. After the Parkland, FL, school shooting*,
Naomi, an eleven-year-old at the time, organized a walkout at her
elementary school to honor victims of gun violence. In addition to
those slain in Parkland, Naomi and her fifth grade classmates also
recognized people of color who are killed by gun violence every
day and never make news headlines. Naomi went on to speak
courageously before crowds in DC and on TV shows about the need
for gun reform. When she spoke, she held the nation—and much of
the world—captive with her passion, her insight, and her urgency.
Where is new life shooting up? Perhaps in the places where God
can’t wait for peace. Perhaps in the voices of our children, who urge
us to find a better way.

Prayer: Breathe deeply as you gaze upon the image below. Imagine
placing yourself in this scene. What do you see? How do you feel? Get quiet and still, offering a silent or spoken prayer to God.

*On February 14, 2018, a gunman with a semi-automatic weapon shot and killed seventeen
students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

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