
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Special Abilities

Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities…  1 Corinthians 12:4

Every person has strengths and abilities. Sometimes these are referred to as gifts, talents, or special skills. We should recognize our own strengths and use them to help others recognize their strengths. Some people do not recognize their own abilities; therefore, when we observe the talent of another person, we should acknowledge it, whether it is something that is overt i.e. a beautiful singing voice, an outstanding organist or something that may not be so openly apparent like giving anonymously to charities, recognizing each person by their name, etc. 

Ministers, particularly, must recognize the various strengths of members of a congregation and provide members of the church the opportunity to use those strengths that God has bestowed upon them to enhance the church and its mission.  We have all seen God at work in those churches where this happens. It truly is a family of God all working for the same purpose. 

As an educator who has worked with children for almost 40 years, every child I have known has had strengths and abilities. Our responsibility as an adult is to help children recognize their strengths and abilities whether those be in sports, music, or the way in which that child smiles, the way in which the child helps others or is a friend to others. 

Please take a moment to reflect on your own strengths and abilities. How are you using those to help others? Have you recognized and acknowledged the strengths of another person in the past week? How have you helped a child recognize his/her strengths and abilities? 

Prayer:  Our Father, we thank you for the strengths and abilities that you have given to each of us. Help us to use these to always be a witness for you and your work. Help us to use those strengths and abilities that you’ve bestowed upon us to help others to recognize their own strengths and abilities. Guide us in all that we do. In Your name we pray. Amen. 

Linda Douglas (reprinted from the Eastridge Devotional Book, 2008)

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