
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

A Day of Peace

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18

Families are hard. Even when we love and respect each other. Often harder when we DON’T respect each other. Definitely harder during times of emotional strain. Some of us look forward to times with our extended families during the holidays while others dread it. 

Our house is commonly known among family members as Switzerland (don’t laugh Thomas). When we were first married, Brian’s grandparents were attending Thanksgiving and Christmas at multiple locations because no one was willing to take on hosting duties. There had been strife among some of the family members and they just didn’t seem ready to let things go. We came up with an alternative.  Grandma and Grandpa would enjoy ONE Thanksgiving meal at our house at noon on Thanksgiving Day. We would invite the entire family and provide all the food.  People just needed to show up, relax, and enjoy. Twelve years later, with both grandma and grandpa gone – we are going strong.

Don’t get me wrong, it has not been easy. Someone is always late. Someone always wants to be first through the line. There is always a picky eater. Turkeys sometimes have a mind of their own and are ready early, or late. Sometimes the aunts have argued the week before and they are still hurt or angry. Sometimes I don’t like my brother in law’s life choices. But we can all pull it together for a day. Originally, a day for grandma and grandpa. Now a day for each other. For children and grandchildren. For our family.

Prayer: Loving creator, thank you for helping us to live in peace and love one another, when it’s hard, when it’s easy and when we know it’s the right thing to do. Amen    

Christi Moock 

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