
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Being Grateful Enhances our Lives

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to God. Philippians 1:3.  

In this time of uncertainty (when will we get the vaccine?), fear (discrimination and hate is loose in our country) frustration (we miss being with our family and friends), difficulty (some folks are facing economic and job, housing struggles), I often feel at loose ends, a bit lost and all over the place.  I have decided that I needed a new focus, and have chosen gratitude in my relationships as my focus.

Gratitude is defined as a warm feeling of thankfulness toward the world or toward specific individuals.  It means thanks and appreciation.  Gratitude, which just so happens to rhyme with attitude, comes from the Latin word gratis, which means thankful, pleasing.  When you feel gratitude you are pleased by what someone did for you.  I think that’s the easy kind of gratitude.  I want to work on looking at my relationships like Paul stated, truly giving thanks for those in my life and dwelling on their good points, “looking at them through the eyes of love”.

That can be difficult to do at times as other folks have different needs and do not exist to please us.  They think and act independently from us and can be annoying.  It is also easy to take our loved ones for granted.  Over time, it becomes easy to see others’ faults too clearly and to dwell on the hard times and not the good times.

On the site,, the author lists 7 ways Gratitude can change your life.  I am adding my own twist on these to help guide me in my relationships. 

1.  Gratitude shifts our focus to looking at others in a positive light, even when  problems or disappointments arise. This is a lifelong process, and a choice, I am sure.

2.  Gratitude improves the quality of your life. Studies have linked gratitude with satisfaction of life.

3.  Having gratitude makes you feel happier. It’s a natural occurrence.

4.  Having gratitude reduces your fears.  Keeping a gratitude journal can help to reduce your fears and worries, as you live more in a  state of abundance.

5.  Being grateful toward others strengthens your faith and your belief in God, and allows your gratitude and relationship toward him to grow.  You can also develop a focus toward helping others as part of your spiritual enlightenment.

6.  Feeling gratitude toward others gives you peace of mind.  This focus fosters good will, positive vibrations, and the desire to add value to the world by first being grateful, no matter what.

7.  This overall feeling of gratitude motivates you to reach for your goals. 

Prayer: O Heavenly Father, we ask that you guide us to live a life of gratitude towards others.  We thank you for your neverending Love and Mercy, and pray that we can show that to others and let them feel our gratitude for being in our lives. 

Connie Barry

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think the fact that we realize we are grateful to God because we have a home, are able to pay our bills and are staying warm this cold snowy winter. We have hills outside we can cross country ski on and wonderful neighbors.
    Sandra Hilsabeck
