
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Friday, January 8, 2021

New Traditions

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11

At our house, the Christmas spirit has been alive and well. Brian is usually on the road most of the 4th quarter. Banks are spending the last of their budget dollars, year-end conversions to the new system have tight timelines, and everyone wants a little family time so he supports his team to make sure they get a break during the rush. This year with extremely limited travel and many customers spending less he has been home. This is one of our pandemic silver linings. 

With being home, Brian really wanted to make the most of the holiday season.  Lots of decorating, lots of treats, meaningful gifts, holiday movies, holiday music, and time spent with those we love, in whatever way we can achieve it. We celebrated Thanksgiving with a Webex and delivered smoked turkey with no-contact porch drop offs to all the family members that we usually see in the middle of the day on Thanksgiving. For Christmas we spent a weekend baking and took a day off work to deliver cookie plates throughout our neighborhood and to extended family in the area. 

It was heartwarming to put together something special for friends and neighbors during the holidays and we have had the most amazing feedback. A neighbor who has had a tough holiday season with a recent unexpected loss and geographically distant loved ones. A neighbor whose husband has a new and frightening diagnosis. A neighbor with a child with serious medical needs. Family members who were able to enjoy a family recipe and think about those we have lost, whose recipes bring back warm and loving memories. A cousin who is immobile and has felt isolated during the pandemic. 

As we have heard how much people enjoyed this gesture we have decided that this will be an ongoing family tradition at our house. We felt grateful for the stability of our jobs and our good fortune to have the time to make things and incredibly blessed to have friends and family to share with. 

Prayer: God who shares with us, thank you for your generosity and the model of your son Jesus Christ to share our love with others. Help us to take time to share on every occasion with those around us.  Amen. 

Christi Moock     

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