
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, January 18, 2021

A New Baby

And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born; and she gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the village inn. Luke 2: 6-7

They (the shepherds) ran to the village and found their way to Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby lying in a manger. The shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.  All who heard the shepherds story expressed astonishment, but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and often thought about them. Luke 2:16-19

December twenty-fifth I had the privilege of seeing a little baby –the new niece of my grandson and his wife. As so often happens, when a baby is brought into the room—all eyes focus on the baby. There is a wondrous appreciation of the miracle of new life. I counted ten little toes on the feet that had worked hard to get rid of her socks. She had ten beautiful fingers which reached for her father when he cooed for her. Her eyes followed her parents whenever they moved. Her legs were in almost constant motion—an extension of her emotions between being happy and crying—which she could do well, very loudly. Of course, there was also the knowledge that she could eat and would need a diaper change—everything was working. I’m sure Mary, the mother of Jesus, felt these same things as she looked at her baby boy. Ten little toes, ten little fingers, eyes that followed her movements, little kicks that were now free of the womb. When the shepherds came , they were in awe of this miracle of birth—a beloved new baby, but also the future that had been told to them while they were out with their sheep. This was the joy of the savior’s birth. 

Christmas is over, but the vision of the tiny baby and the love it brings to the world lives on.  In these harried times, keep in mind the peace and joy of the baby and the hope he brings to us all throughout the ages.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for letting us witness the miracle of birth. The perfectness of your creation.  Thank you for your promise of salvation brought to us in the form of a baby. Thank you for the awe that still exists with new life. Amen 

Nancy Hall

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