
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Out of Chaos, Hope: Families, Children & the U.S./Mexico Border

From the Presbyterian Mission Handbook, shared at a recent Outreach Committee meeting:

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, asking, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven? So Jesus called a child, had him stand in front of them, and said, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.  The greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child.  And whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me.” Matthew 18: 1-5 

Families and children from around the world, the majority from Central America, continue to arrive at the U.S. southern border to seek safety and hope.  Under the new “zero tolerance” policy, even people showing up at an official port of entry are being treated as if they are trying to sneak into the country.  The increase in people leaving El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras in the past 6 years has been recognized as a humanitarian emergency in these home countries, rooted in decades of poverty, failed government policies, broken families, lack of protection for women and children, and violence that continues to plague the region.

Reports from our local church leaders share first hand accounts of families who have been separated by U.S. immigration authorities, the adults placed in one detention system and the children in another with no established communication or tracking between them.  Parents can be moved to a detention center in one state and their children to another.  In other cases, parents are ordered deported back to Mexico while their children are still in U.S. Custody.

Meanwhile, the border is almost closed off to those seeking protection from the U.S.  Border officials tell people that arrive at an official port of entry to seek asylum  (the only proper way to make such a request if you are outside the U.S.) are being told to “come back later.”  Such actions are creating a new humanitarian crisis for our Mexican neighbors.  The scene varies from one border section to another, in one area a large group is visibly waiting while in another, they scatter in search of shelter from the 101F weather. 

On June 20th Executive Order “Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation” further criminalized migration through the expansion of family detention on military bases and other government property, potentially indefinitely.  The order codifies Attorney General Sessions’ zero-tolerance policy, instructing officials to continue to prosecute adults crossing the border as criminals—including those who are seeking asylum–, “but will seek to find or build facilities that can hold families—parents and children together—instead of separating them while their legal cases are considered by the courts.” The order also seeks to modify the 1997 Flores settlement, a legal agreement that bars the detention of migrant children for more than 20 days.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has been responding in cooperation with mid-councils and congregations along the border, the Office of the General Assembly's Office of Immigration Issues, the Office of Public Witness and our ecumenical and interfaith partners working with refugees and immigrants.  PDA has already begun approving small grants to Presbyteries that are working with local non-profits to help families reunite and to provide “know your rights” orientations to those seeking asylum. PDA will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to families with basic needs, legal orientations and family reunification assistance even as we advocate for more humane treatment by the US Government.

Prayer for Unaccompanied Children
We pray…
For children from Central America who, seeking safety, make the dangerous journey to the U.S./Mexico border.
For parents who travel beside their children, for parents who must remain at home and for parents who have gone ahead.
For children being held in temporary immigration and Customs Enforcement shelters across this country.
For children who have been reunited with family in the United States.
For children who face deportation.
For children who return to the fear they tried to escape.
For grace and courage as we seek to live up to our nation’s heritage as a haven for the tired and poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
For generosity and creativity as we work with church and state to find places of grace, safety, and hope for children and families who are refugees.
For all who would help: for communities of welcome, for volunteers and visitors, for chaplains, social workers, immigration officials and border patrol, judges and health care workers who tend to the needs of frightened children and seek to balance urgent necessity with strained resources.
For a peaceful spirit as we work and serve among neighbors whose fearfulness prevents generosity from flowering in human hearts.
For the PC(USA) as we follow Jesus Christ who loved and honored children and who came to give abundant life to all.

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