
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Change…. For Him     

Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.


What is the first thing you think of when someone says change?  If you are like me the heart rate increases, the blood pressure elevates and the negative thoughts start running through my mind. The fact of the matter is that we have to live with change. Some change is forced on us, some is really good for us, and we can actually make a conscious effort to change.

A week or so ago a friend and I were visiting prior to the worship service and when it came time to go into the service invited me to join their family. I’m not sure what I actually said but I’m sure the thoughts in my head were … that’s the second row from the front!  I’m the fourth from the back, down the center aisle on the left hand side pew sitter. Long story short I joined her and survived. As the week went on several thoughts on change entered my mind, writing this devotional is only one of them. We are all such creatures of habit. I get up each morning about the same time and the routine down to what I eat for breakfast is about the same…boring; I park in the same area when I go to the grocery store (might be I don’t want to forget where I parked), and this lead me to think about at work how we had to change a meeting site and since this happened I’ve been playing a little game with my co-workers and never sitting in the same chair two days in a row. That whole week thoughts would enter my mind about change… a bible study I once attended was called: “If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat”. To me this means stretch yourself, grow, challenge, take a risk, and make a change. I remember sitting at a basketball camp and the coach said, “You’ll never be a good shooter if you don’t shoot the ball during a game.” This does makes perfect sense to me.


So I challenge you, take the risk, change it up, stretch yourself. You’ll never know what will happen if you deepen your relationship with God by joining a small group bible study or Sunday school class, or a committee or even simply meet new people in a different section of church. God wants to be part of this journey so don’t leave him out, change with his help.

Thought challenge: Just take one opportunity this week to change something, stretch yourself: i.e.: join a small group, sit in a different spot, offer a verbal prayer to a small group of people, visit or call a fellow Christian friend you lost touch with, volunteer for a project at church, etc.


Prayer: Dear God, Help me to do your will. Guide my actions, my thoughts, and walk with me each and every day. To be more like you, Christ, I need your help and faithful Christians in my life. Amen


Reprinted from “Daily Devotional Guide March 2010 By Members and Friends of the Congregation

Of Sheldon United Methodist Church”




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