
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Asking for Help

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2

Have you tried assembling a piece of furniture that arrives on your porch in a box? It seems the instructions were designed for a non-reader who has extensive technical knowledge and the ability to recognize the difference between a screw and a nail drawn in 7-point font. The only tool provided is an angular piece of metal with eight ridges on one end.  

After carefully unpacking the numerous pieces and staring at a drawing with no written directions, you take a break and try to think of a friend whose arm can be twisted to come over and help you. Finally your text messages elicit a response from one candidate; you negotiate the “barter,” i.e. pizza, beverages, babysitting, and your helper is on the way. They arrive with a very large tool bag, looks over the arrangement of pieces and hardware you created on the floor, and says, “No problem!” 

Within minutes, your handy friend has rearranged the pieces, and you begin to feel hopeful that the random shapes really will create your new furniture. Under your friend’s direction, you hold pieces together while the electric screwdriver buzzes for only a few seconds to create tight connections. You picture yourself spending 10 minutes inserting the same screws using the provided metal tool and congratulate yourself for calling your friend. Before long, the handyman steps back from the project, holds out their arms, and says, “Pretty good-looking, if I do say so myself.”  

Everyone is happy! The friend lugs their tool bag home knowing they helped you and have pizza or free babysitting to look forward to. You and your family are pleased to have your décor improved with the addition of the new piece of furniture. And the project has been completed—the cardboard box can be taken to the recycle bin. 

The Scripture encourages us to ask for help; without asking God for help, we won’t succeed in the world. When God puts you in difficult situation, He wants you to ask for help. We must depend on God’s guidance to accomplish the plan God has for us; we’re not intended to do it by ourselves. We all want to feel useful and helping others is a way to do that. When we accept help from others, we give them permission to ask for favors. It’s an amazing chain reaction: God has a plan for us; His plan is revealed to us; because we feel inadequate, we reach out for help from someone else. That person not only provides the support that we need to succeed, but it also furthers God’s purpose for them.

Prayer: Lord God, we know you have a plan and a purpose for each of us. It’s more complex than assembling a piece of furniture, and we can’t accomplish your plan without your aid and direction. Help us to realize when we need to ask for assistance; to not be too proud or stubborn to recognize who can help us. Your instructions have been handed down through the generations, but we still struggle to decipher their meaning for our own lives. We ask that you guide and support us in this endeavor. Amen  

Carol McClain

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