
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Answered Prayers

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:13-14 

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Several years ago, we were hosting my son’s graduation party at our home. We were excited to have guests seated at tables outside on the new patio we had worked so hard to construct that spring. Everything was ready! The yard and flowers were glorious! To our dismay, it began raining the night before and was still pouring in the morning when we got up. Setting up in the garage was plan B but that really wasn’t the gloomy setting I wanted for our guests. So, as I longingly stared out the window, I started praying God would stop the rain…and soon. He must not have heard me the first time, so I asked again, but this time, I made my prayer more specific by requesting the rain to end by 9:30 AM, since the party was set to begin at 10:00. (9:30 would rush us a bit but still, I’d be grateful.) The rain just didn’t let up. As disappointed as I was, I prayed again that whatever God’s will would be, we would accept it, set up in the garage, celebrate our special graduate, and enjoy the party.

I went about frantically rushing about the house, preparing food, displays, and of course, setting up tables in the garage. I couldn’t believe my ears when my mom exclaimed, “Hey look! It’s getting lighter!” I ran to the window and sure enough, the rain had completely stopped! The waterworks shut off, just like that! The clouds dissipated and the sun came out! I checked my watch…it was 9:28! After giving thanks to the good Lord above, I chuckled to myself and thought, “dang, I should’ve requested 8:00!”  😊

Jesus does tell us to ask for what is on our hearts; what we want and what we need. Bob Goff says, “God knows what we need before we ask; He just likes to hear our voices.” I know He hears each request. I believe He answers every prayer. It may not always be the answer we’d hoped for or in the timing we would’ve liked but God delights in knowing our deepest pleas, desires, and concerns. We struggle to understand when, sometimes, His answer is “no or not now”. If we can learn to submit our sincere prayers, with trust, and surrender to His providence, we can be assured He hears and will answer with His perfect plan and perfect timing and will be with us each step of the way! We can be at peace, no matter what happens.

Prayer: Loving Father, thank you for listening as we bring our wants and needs to you in prayer. Help us to lay they them at your feet, trusting in your divine providence and perfect timing. Provide us an extra dose of patience, direction, and acceptance while we wait. We know we aren’t alone. You are always right there beside us. Amen

Diane Worrell Eaton

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