
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Like a Child

He called a little child to him and placed the child among them. And he said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18: 2-4

After watching the video of my grandson, Callen, taking his first steps, I thought, there's a faith message here for us all! It really is amazing the process a baby goes through to be able to walk. They must first hold their head up, then roll over. They strengthen those tummy and back muscles to sit up. I remember how he'd just tip over until his balance was better. Next, developing the mechanics of coordinating getting up on his hands, arms straight, bottom in the air, knees under him to crawl after something in front of him. Now standing up, holding onto the couch or our hands, pushing his toy for balance and legs, back, and tummy supporting him upright...until he takes his first step without assistance!

Our lives are much like a baby! Whatever transition we find ourselves in: a new job, grief, adult children leaving, waiting for a relationship, in a new relationship, moving, aging, being alone, work stress, faith journey...we need to remember the baby. He is not impatient. He just allows the walking process to happen naturally, one step at a time. He doesn't worry or look too far in advance thinking about running. He falls down...a lot. He doesn't think of himself as a failure or let fear get the best of him. He gets back up and keeps trying. He trusts his parents and loved ones to be there, not judging him that he's not walking soon enough, but to catch him when he falls or give him a steady hand. When he falls, he doesn't see it as a mistake but learns and develops from it. He falls into our arms when he becomes weary. The parents don't chastise the child but give encouragement, love, and gentle guidance. They celebrate with him in the trying.

You see what I'm saying, don't you! Jesus says to have faith as a child. The love, grace, and mercy God offers is like that of a loving parent, grandparent, uncle, or friend! The baby has had little experience yet in things that cause fear, doubt, impatience, and pain; but God, the Father, has. He knows our struggles and desires a personal relationship with us where our hearts are humble, meek, and sincere; where we open ourselves to receive his grace and love and trust in Him alone. What a miracle that God would use a small child to express his love for us!

Prayer: Father, adulting is hard sometimes! Thank you for forgiving us in our wanderings. Help us to remember the lesson of becoming like a child. As we humble ourselves and surrender our “mature” struggles and doubt to you, may we feel secure, comforted, accepted, and encouraged; trusting you are there to walk with, guide, and love us every day. Amen

Diane Worrell Eaton (reprinted from 2020)

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