
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Carrying One Another's Burdens

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

From a very young age, those of us who attend Sunday School (or now Tuesday School) receive bible lessons and parables about what God expects from us and how we can live a life to be more Christ-like. For some children we might have a relative who works hard to instill those kinds of lessons in us, or maybe a teacher. For some people it seems to come natively. Have you ever known someone who genuinely wants to help others? Who offers their assistance readily, who is always waiting in the wings to swoop in and render aid? 

For the last few weeks I have been thinking about this verse and wondering whose burdens I am carrying…what I’m willing to help with…. And perhaps, most terrifying, who is helping to carry my burdens, and am I aware that they are in the background helping me? This could be as simple as praying for someone. Or actively doing work to assist them (shoveling or snow blowing for a neighbor). Or offering to listen and sharing the pain of a sorrow or concern.  There are limitless ways that we can help each other.

A lot of people don’t feel like they have time to help. How many times have you been about to leave for the day when someone looks like they have a question or needs help and you duck out? How often do you ignore calls, texts, or e-mails that are specifically asking you to volunteer or donate? How often do we see opportunities to be involved in our church or community and ignore them because we feel like we have more important things to do? How often do we leave behind the rules to serve others instilled in us from a young age to serve our own goals and desires?

Prayer: Great teacher God, help us to remember the service of Your son and the lessons of our youth. Help us to look for ways that we can serve joyfully and help those around us in our family, church, community and world. Help us to reflect your bountiful and never-ending love.    

Christi Moock (reprinted from 2020)

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