
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Helping Little Ebert from Bolivia

Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them. To help the poor is to honor God. Proverbs 14:31

Two years ago at the Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson I heard about helping children in need in poor countries. I heard about Compassion International which is a Christ Centered, Child Focused, Church Based and Committed to Integrity organization founded by a Rev. Swanson. It is headquartered in Colorado Springs.  It started with 34 orphans in South Korea and today it has grown to serve more than 2 million children in 26 countries.

Compassion is linked to local churches in areas where the need is great.  Compassion reaches out for sponsorships from people who are passionate about helping children learn about Jesus, learning to read and write, personal hygiene and healthy nutrition.

For a small fee each month you can sponsor a child to help him overcome poverty.  Phil and I have sponsored Ebert in Bolivia for two years now. He is now seven years old and because he has a sponsor he can go to his church school, which also reaches out to his parents.

We exchange letters-some written by his bigger brother or his Mother but Ebert says thank you because soon he will be able to write with the help of his wonderful Christian teachers. The teachers translate my letters to the language they understand. We encourage Ebert to continue in school and learn about Jesus.  When we send Ebert a birthday or Christmas gift the money goes to the school who will help the mother buy something Ebert wants or needs. Phil and I feel we are helping Ebert grow in Christian love.

Prayer: Thank you God for finding Ebert for us to love and help. Keep him in yours arms so he can grow and become a Christian leader in community, teaching others of your love. Amen

Eleanor Etzelmiller (reprinted from 2017)

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