
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Holy Week | Maundy Thursday (Seeking: Will you wash my feet?)

of all the ways

You could show up with sugar cubes and

two plump oranges,

delivering a pep talk as you hang your coat.

You could provide a meal, filling the house with the sweet

smells of rosemary and sage,

lighting the candles, playing music through the rooms.

You could leave rambling voice memos that start with,

Hey, it’s me,

I was just thinking of you, and carry on to share the details

of your day.

You could get eye-level with the little ones, ask them

questions like,

What should we put in your fort? And, what’s your

favorite farm animal?

You could remember people’s first and middle names,

signs of an old-school love.

You could add your pronouns to your nametag and

Zoom screen.

You could cry with her when her dog gets sick.

You could remember how he likes his cookies—

soft or crispy.

You could deliver Thai food and order extra sticky rice,

because sometimes we just need extra sticky rice.

You could drop off flowers.

You could tell the waitress, “It’s their birthday!”

There are a million ways to show someone your love.

Footwashing was his.

Poem by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed

reprinted with permission from A Sanctified Art

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