
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17 

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. (Anais Nin)
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17  
One of the benefits of investing in long-term relationships is the ability to know someone more deeply and fully. Humans can complement one another in so many wonderful ways, and experiencing these interactions is also a gateway to experiencing more closeness with God. I love how the years of life I have been granted have blessed me with the crossed paths of so many different strangers who have become friends for eternity. It is a wonderful richness to treasure.
I began to realize as a young adult that the face of God was present in the faces of so many in my earthly community. The generous spirit shines very brightly when someone tries to reach into your life and share his or her strengths. It feels so good to have something to offer to someone else, too, and to have so many gifts to share. 
A young woman I know recently told me how she looks to me for guidance on how to face life. She said she had a difficult childhood but survived and thrived by choosing to discard bad influences and cling to the examples of those who inspired her. Every time she sees me she gives me a hug and thanks me for being there. She helps me to be my best self.
My decades-old friendships have given me the chance to have many sisters and brothers, and people who could be nieces and nephews - and in my heart, a lot of aunties and uncles. Families are wonderful, but families and friends can blend into a lovely mess. I am delighted to see the lines blur between blood relations and heart relations. 
Recently, I have had the gift of time with a friend I met in junior high. She was one of the people who eased me out of my academic rigor into a person who could relax and have fun with others, and she really pulled me out of a narrowness that was not healthy. She encouraged my spirit of adventure and helped me to relax in the face of stressful situations. She and I have had the chance to explore and laugh and talk about great ideas and just take time to look at the world at our feet. She has just come out of a challenging set of experiences, and for the time being I am able to give her a little of what she needs to remember about herself that restores her to living fully. We open a new gift every time we see one another. 
Prayer: Lord of all friendships and all colors of love, thank you for the people whose hands you have placed in ours, who are your hands in our lives.  Let us always treasure them as you treasure us, and to be your gentle hands reminding them of the power of love that is you. Amen
Mollie Manner (reprinted from 2017)

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