
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, March 14, 2022

God's Guiding Voice

Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

I recently read “The Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch” by Haywood Smith. The main character has recently returned to her hometown after a messy divorce. While surprised that things haven’t changed much, she is overjoyed to resume relationships from her youth and to regain her independence and sense of self. 

As the story progresses the main character, Linwood, explains some of the “southisms” she learned from her family, including the idea that, when you suddenly think “someone should take care of that” it is God’s voice guiding you to be the one to do just that. I have continued to think about this idea. How often in our lives do we think about things that “someone” should do, and then we move on to the next task in front of us? How often do we hear God guiding us and we selfishly turn to our own desire instead?

In the book, Linwood steps in to help multiple times. She sees social justice issues that require intervention, she steps up to help a friend (and an enemy) after a medical emergency, she begins helping to provide care for an aging relative. In each of the moments where she thinks “someone should do something”, she evaluates what actions she can take that would make a difference. Maybe people think this is just good manners, or being a good Christian, or having a good heart, but I really like the idea that God is whispering to us, even when we feel so busy with the other responsibilities in our lives.  

Prayer: God who taught us to love, help us to listen when you guide us to serve.  Help us to be the “someone” who can help our neighbor and to do good always.  Amen. 

Christi Moock

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