
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Friday, June 4, 2021

Jesus Teaches about the Kingdom of God

And again he said, “Where to shall I liken the kingdom of God?”  It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal til the whole was leavened.  Luke 13: 20-21

Yeast is the leavening agent for many bread products. The fermentation process produces carbon dioxide (CO2) which causes the bread to rise. In a recipe for standard white bread, yeast accounts for about 1% by weight of the dry ingredients. This small amount of leavening agent helps to transform the dough into the large, light loaf we associate with bread.

In the scripture selection, Jesus likens the kingdom of God to the leavening agent permeating the meal and changing the nature of the dough.  The kingdom of God and Jesus’ ministry began in a small way, but in a dynamic way spread and has become a powerful message of love and hope for many around the world.

The term leaven is derived from the Latin verb “levare” which means to make light, lift up or raise.  Are we as believers “leavening agents?”  Do we help to make light the burdens of others, lift up the message of Jesus’ redeeming grace and raise the banner of faith and hope as we work to build up and help the kingdom of God grow?

Prayer: Dear heavenly father, help us to be leavening agents in your kingdom.  We are small and the “basket of meal” is large.  With your love and support and our dedication and prayer may the loaf grow to feed those who hunger and thirst for spiritual nourishment.  Amen. 

Gain Keown, reprinted from 2008

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