
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

For the Beauty of the Earth

 In his hands are the depths of the earth and the mountain peaks belong to him.  The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95:4-5

We enjoyed our annual trip to the North Woods this year even with the differences because of COVID 19. There were no sauna nights, no family potluck in the Yurt, no trips to the Wifi cabin to check e-mail (this was a good thing), no loud and raucous family game nights with cousins, and no watching small children while other family members spent a day on the lake. We accommodated these missing traditions with LOTS of time on the boat, outdoor visits (with plenty of bug spray) and more walks around camp to see each other for a quick hello. On our times boating around the lake we paid more attention to the water clarity, the beautiful water lilies, the tamarack trees, and the wildlife. We were delighted to see our first nesting loon, several deer, baby chickadees and lots of chipmunks, squirrels and Franklin’s ground squirrels. My husband and I have wondered before if we love this vacation destination because of the family reunion feel, or the closeness to nature, the absence of technology or just the sensation that we are stepping back in time. 

On the drive home I thought about how rejuvenated I felt with a week away, enjoying the beauty of the outdoors and paying attention to God’s creatures. I couldn’t help but think of Pierpoint’s 1863 hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth”. I remember singing this in church as a very small child, with my grandmother. I was amazed to find out this hymn is nearly 150 years old. In doing a little research I found that Pierpoint originally wrote this for use during communion and that the original lyrics were a “sacrifice of praise” instead of the now common refrain “this, our hymn of grateful praise”.  

This year I have worked more than ever before, and I really didn’t realize how badly I needed a break. Even though this is something we do every year, it was more special this year. More valuable. More interesting. More focused on recognizing the beauty. Relaxing in the wonder of wilderness. Splashing in the cold lake. Taking time for family. Being grateful.  

Prayer: God who created our world and has shared wisdom with man on the need to preserve it, thank you for a week in the beauty of northeast Minnesota.  Thank you for entertaining animals, time with family and a break from responsibility. Your world is so beautiful and we are so blessed to experience it. Amen.    

Christi Moock (reprinted from 2020)

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