
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, December 11, 2023

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? We Allow Ourselves to Be Amazed

READ Luke 1:57-66 | Psalm 126

COMMENTARY | Rev. Cecelia D. Armstrong

“Surprise, Surprise, Surprise” was the title of a sermon that I had written but did not save on my computer. As the service began, fear was the prominent emotion because surely, I had no idea what was about to take place. The other program participants were also bewildered and were on the edge of their seats awaiting the outcome. Fast forward through the angst of the evening; things worked out just fine. “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise” was just that—a surprise! I am not sure if amazement is a precursor for joy and praise, but when it was all over, upon my lips was joy and praise for a seemingly successful night.

There was great rejoicing with Elizabeth after the birth of her son; however, there seemed to be a pause in the praise when the name of the child did not align with the traditions of the day. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Failing to believe Elizabeth (I guess we haven’t trusted women for a while now), the gathered crowd motioned for Zechariah to name the child and they were surprised that his selection was the same as Elizabeth’s. In this moment, the crowd was amazed, Zechariah was freed to speak, and praise was the order of the day. Fear came over the neighbors and the rumor mill went wild. Surely the hand of the Lord would be on this child, John.

When we are amazed, we tend to share the news, either seeking validation that it is shocking news or to witness the shock factor the news has on others. Try it. If you were told you would receive $1,000 for reading this commentary, what would your second reaction be? Your first reaction would be amazement, wondering if it is true. Your second reaction would be to tell someone else, either to get them to believe you or to see if they are just as shocked as you were when you received the news. Either way, rejoicing is found in the laughter that just took place.

reprinted with permission from A Sanctified Art

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