
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Final Instructions

Read: Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission is a classic scripture and one that can be read with new insights after years of preaching it. That would be my encouragement as one reads these final words of Matthew’s gospel which Jesus gives to His disciples. We are all in a constant state of transition to something new every day. Each day is a new opportunity of discovery, challenge, and adventure. What might the Great Commission say to us for our daily adventure this very day?

The essential points of the Great Commission are:

·         All authority is given to Jesus Who shares that with fellow disciples.

·         Make disciples (students) of all nations – everyone is a student in his or her own right.

·         Baptize one in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit (Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer).

·         Teach all that Jesus has commanded.

·         Jesus is always with us.

So how may these essential final instructions be used daily?

·       We claim this day in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ as Lord of the Day and of whatever we are to face.

·       We are a constant student – disciple-in-training. Think of one’s favorite teacher or mentor and how that person still influences us today. Imagine what one’s mentor or teacher may suggest to make a new discovery or “aha.”  The adventure is to find out what that could be!

·      Baptize – the moment of faith comes in our hearts and minds to respond to Jesus.  Baptism is a sign of that faith.  Reaffirm that faith through your faith story.  One practice would be to have anointing oil in hand to anoint one’s head as a reminder of their baptism – That reminder is of our ongoing student status each day and claim that we make of this day for the Lord!

·      Teaching – as we are all students, yet so we can be a mentor, a teacher, an advocate of faith to another so that they too can be given these “final instructions” for their daily lives. A simple smile, greeting, or invitation of grace opens the door.

These are suggestions of how Jesus’ Great Commission – Jesus’ final instructions could be used. My encouragement is to see how you read the Great Commission and figure how you may fulfill its instructions. For me it never is always the same, but that is the adventure and teachable power of this passage.

Prayer: O Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, be active in this day with me. It is Your day during which I open myself to Your instruction from Your Word. May I be receptive to whatever surprise, adventure or challenge that I encounter because I know You guide me. In my faith, I remember Your loving grace accepts me and claims me as Your kin by baptism.  So, may I serve You by my witness to others that they too can claim the Commission You gave to all Your disciples. In all of this, I know that You are with me to the end of the age! Amen

Rev. Dr. John J. Duling


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