
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Lent Week Three: Poem (Seeking: Will you give me a drink?)

Anything and everything

I’d give you a drink,

a warm cup of tea with lemon and mint,

a confetti cannon, roses from the garden,

my favorite sweatshirt, a bed to lay in,

homemade bread, a hand to hold.

I’d give you my full attention.

I’d give you my phone,

and say, put your number in.

I’d give you the melody line,

a standing ovation,

a sense of security.

I’d give you anything and everything

if it made you believe

that you were enough.

Poem by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed

*reprinted with permission from A Sanctified Art

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