
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Just as I am

Just as I am, thy love unknown, has broken every barrier down... 

One of my favorite hymns is the beautiful "Just As I Am" by Charlotte Elliott who wrote about 150 hymns. We are singing a verse of it each week in Lent at my church. The story has been told that when she became very ill and was invalid for most of the rest of her life, she fell into rage and depression and felt God had no purpose for her.  A friend, the Dr. Malan, is said to have told her that God loved her just as she is and always has a purpose for each of us. The hymn always reminds me, in a powerful way, that God loves us JUST as we are and accepts us in Jesus and we always have something we can offer and do to God's glory. 

I was providing music for a few funerals this week and at one a young man, who had just died as only a teenager, who had autism and down syndrome, was being remembered by those who loved him. I had tears almost the whole service as people shared they loved his smile, or when he simply said their name, or would wear something silly and laugh. It reminded me that Jesus can use even the littlest thing we can offer to make an impact on someone's life. Never forget that God has a purpose for you and Jesus can use even the simplest act of kindness and love to be a blessing to someone else today! 

I John 4:18 - "There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear..."

Brent Shaw

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