
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, July 29, 2024


We exhort you, brethren, admonish the idle, encourage the faint-hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. Thessalonians 5:14

Christian courage is a quality that is quite different from what the world often acclaims as courage. It has nothing to do with physical size or strength, but is a quality of the spirit, rather than a thing of the flesh. It is a quality of the soul that any Christian may achieve, no matter their size or physical condition or place in life. This kind of courage may only be found through prayer, and trust in the Lord.  To obtain this we must take time for quiet communion with God. 

With a quiet faith, relying on God, we can face disappointment, pain, or tragic loss.  We can find purpose and meaning in life knowing that God is with us and we can turn to Jesus our Savior for all our needs.

Christian courage makes a mother a tower of strength when her child has a serious illness: or a father steady and sure in times of adversity.

We are apt to think of courage today to be associated with physical strength; with drums rolling and flags flying—yet even in wartime, the greatest courage may be shown in the quiet way a person bears pain or affliction, rather than on the battlefield.

Prayer: God, touch our hearts with your peace, and give us the calm trust that only you can give. Teach us through prayer and communion with you to gain the strength and courage that will be with us through our hard times. Amen

Joyce Miller (reprinted from the Eastridge Devotional Book, 2008)

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