
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Summer Devotional Booklet: June 12

June 12 - “I choose to believe that, in life and in death, I belong to God. God stirs my soul.

In the morning, life-giving first breath fills my lungs. God stills my spirit.

In the evening, the calm of the night flows through my body.

God moves me.
The Holy One beckons me forth, through bands of

light, into coves of darkness,
woven into rainbows, and amid the in-between and

All the while, with every tender breath,

I am reminded of God’s hoping, yearning, and dreaming that I grow into all I am intended to become.”

*refer to June 3 for more information on the summer devotional posts

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