
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A Foundation

"Everybody who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise builder who built a house on bedrock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the wind blew and beat against that house. It didn’t fall because it was firmly set on bedrock. But everybody who hears these words of mine and doesn’t put them into practice will be like a fool who built a house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came and the wind blew and beat against that house.  It fell and was completely destroyed” Matthew 7:24-28. (Common English Bible) 

When hearing of catastrophic natural disasters, it can prompt thoughts of these verses. News reports provide an all-to-clear picture of rains, floods, and winds beating against the homes of rich and poor, young and old, stranger and friend. As we have endured difficulties of our own, these verses have provided a spiritual path toward a stronger and closer relationship with Christ. As we act on that relationship, how do we respond to feelings of helplessness in the face of recent events? As Christians, the bedrock foundation of faith guides our response to both the spiritual and physical storms we encounter. It is inspiring to know how differences and judgments that often so painfully divide us from our neighbors can be quickly set aside to reach out in love and concern. Even if we are not part of a team of literal first responders, we can be attentive to opportunities to help. 
Prayer: Heavenly creator and sustainer, we pray for those persons affected by recent natural disasters and perhaps other storms in life. We give thanks for individuals who step in to assist those in need and ask for their safety and strength. Help us to listen and respond to Your message. We ask for guidance and discernment in seeing ways to help those who are buffeted by the storms of life. Amen
Barry & Alinda Stelk (reprinted from 2017)

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