
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Monday, June 5, 2023

Believe It - Or Not

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and He delivers them.  (Psalm 34:7 KJV) 

In the middle of May, I was facing a problem which caused me a great deal of stress. You know the kind of stress I mean. It sends you to your knees in prayer and it keeps you awake at night. I prayed sort of nonstop. By that I mean I am not good at praying those beautiful long prayers. I talk to the Lord basically in “one liners” throughout the day.   

My Christian journey as it stands now is a little over 8 decades long during which I have read a few books about angels. I have also read a plethora of Christian eyewitness stories about seeing an angel or having an angel leave something to show they had visited. The Guideposts magazine is full of all kinds of inspirational stories like that.

When my friend, Wilma, was alive she often told a story about how she saw an angel sitting on the hood of her car after a terrible accident. The angel just kept encouraging her to “hold on” till an ambulance came. Somehow these supernatural happenings left me a little bit skeptical.

The night before my problem was to be solved, I woke up about 3:00 a.m. I tried to get back to sleep but I could not. So, I decided to go downstairs to the sunroom and lie down on the sofa. I turned on the TV to distract me. At some point, I fell asleep and slept until 6:00 a.m. ready for a cup of coffee and ready to face the day.

I flung my legs off the sofa and put both feet flat on the floor. There it was a tiny white feather with taupe-colored edges on one side. How could that be? I do not have feather pillows. I have no pets and the exterminator had just been here saying that he could find no critters or rodents in the house. My doors and windows were all closed and locked. How could there be a feather on the floor?

My problem was resolved quickly and easily to my benefit that day, and I have just gotten over my skepticism of supernatural happenings and guardian angels visiting. I have kept that little feather and I took a picture of it just lying there on the floor by the sofa that morning!      

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are so amazing and we praise you for all the ways you watch over us. Thank You for all that You do and for just smiling at us when we are so unbelieving. Even though I am an octogenarian, I’m still learning about You and loving You even more every day. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Judy Welch (photo at top shared by Judy) 

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