
The views expressed here are those of each individual devotion writer. Thank you to our writers for their contributions to this ministry!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

"It's not about me, it's about us"

"...that all of them may be one.." John 17:21

Have you heard rhetoric from friends or families or even leaders in organizations or our country making things all about them lately? Have you been to a family reunion before and someone makes the event all about them instead of the whole group?

One thing I LOVE about the church and more specifically the church choir is how that message is challenged and a different example is set, the one set by our Savior. When coming to worship at Eastridge, I love that people saw a diverse group of people at front helping lead worship! We sang as a community, as a family, worshipping together. I saw young and old, rich and poor, black and white, all coming together to lead worship. I'm SO thankful for Brian and the pastors working so hard to make sure we don't lose that important message and example during this time. 

A very special thing about our church choir is that they continue the tradition of wearing robes. When someone sings in the church choir, we don't see fancy clothes or someone wearing the same shirt for the 50th time...we just see part of our church family, helping lead worship, inviting us to be a part! Again, it's not about me and my personality and what I wear, it's about us all, in Christ. I grieve the loss of the church choir leading worship every week right now. That constant message that it's not about YOU, it's about US. 

I thank the Lord for churches like Eastridge that have a choir helping lead worship every week that just by their being there say "It's not about me, it's about us" AND "ALL are welcome, all are children of God and ALL have a place here." What a message and example, following in the footsteps of our Savior, that goes against the message of the world. 

Brent Shaw

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